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sudo bug fix update

Updated sudo packages that fix two bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 6.
The sudo (superuser do) utility allows system administrators to give certain
users the ability to run commands as root.

This update fixes the following bugs:

* A race condition in the signal handling code caused the sudo process to become
unresponsive after receiving the SIGCHLD signal. This update modifies the signal
handling to prevent the race condition, which ensures that the sudo process no
longer hangs under these circumstances. (BZ#802440)

* The "-l" option is used to list allowed and forbidden commands for the
invoking user or for the user specified by the "-U" option. However, previously,
the getgrouplist() function incorrectly checked the invoker's group membership
instead of the membership of the specified user. Consequently, using the "sudo"
command with both the "-l" and "-U" options listed privileges granted to any
group the invoker was a member of. The getgrouplist() function has been fixed to
properly check the group membership of the intended user rather than checking
the invoker's membership. This ensures that the required output is listed when
using the "-l" and "-U options. (BZ#811879)

All users of sudo are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix
these bugs.


Before applying this update, make sure that all previously-released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via Red Hat Network. Details on how to use the Red Hat
Network to apply this update are available at

Original article


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