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Showing posts from August, 2010

Spike - Tango versuri

vad stele verzi, cum tu nu le vezi? Acolo intre farfuria zburatoare si omuletii verzi N-am luat-o razna, de ce nu ma crezi? Uite-mi face semn cu mana, frate tre sa ma salvezi Spike pari dubios, vrei sa-ncetezi? Se uita lumea ciudat la tine, incearca sa dansezi Cum poti sa te distrezi? Da-i afara Mortii lor, zi-le sa plece, fa-i sa dispara Hei buna, nici nu te-am vazut pe-aici Ce faci? Tu bine, eu Nu conteaza cum te cheama ca-mi placi Discutia asta-i putin cam trasa de par N-am papagal sa te conving, Dar iti dau un hamster. Ce-ai fata, pari speriata Tu vrei sa ne distram impreuna E-o seara minunata Esti putin ametita dar nu se vede ca esti beata Si la cum esti imbracata, Sincer, te-as f**e-odata Da-mi mana , hai pe ring Pot sa te-mping Te-ai incins, te sting Nu mai ai glas? Arata-mi ce stii, ce poti tu Esti praf Asta ce inseamna, ca pot sa te trag pe nas ? Zi-mi de unde vi, unde vrei sa ajungi Unde vrei sa fugi, ca scapare n-ai Unde vrei sa pleci, n-ai p...

NU :)

Nici sa nu te gandesti. Sa nu te prind ca. Nu,nu ai de ce. Nu vei face asta. Chiar,te rog sa nu. Ok? Te-am rugat frumos. [Daca vei face asta,uita-te pe poza,si simte-i durerea de peste 5 secunde cand Da cu el de pamant :"> ]

Romanian profanity (înjurătură)

This includes simple verbs and verb phrases. a da la untura lu binica : to have sexual intercourse; very used by the romanian community in Meudon a (şi-)o pune : to have sexual intercourse (literally "to put it," "it" being the penis) Jucăm o Biliboacă : to have oral sex (literally "Let's play Biliboaca" - it suggests that you take the balls in your mouth and shake your head while sucking the balls) a (i-)o da la chechereş : to have sexual intercourse (literally "to give it," "it" being the penis) a suge inima : to have oral sex(literally "to suck the heart,") a şi-o trage : to have sexual intercourse (literally "to pull it," with "it," as above, being the penis) a da în geantă : to have sexual intercourse (literally "to hit the purse") a băga mielu' la căldură : to have sexual intercourse (literally "to take the lamb somewhere warm") a băga lemnul in sobă : to have sex...

United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia To Block BlackBerry Over Security Fears

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The United Arab Emirates outlined plans Sunday to block BlackBerry e-mail, messaging and Web browsing services in a crackdown that could jeopardize efforts to establish the country as an international business hub. The government cited a potential security threat because encrypted data sent on the devices is moved abroad, where it cannot be monitored for illegal activity. But the decision – quickly followed by a similar move in Saudi Arabia – raises questions about whether the conservative Gulf nations are trying to further control content they deem politically or morally objectionable. BlackBerry phones have a strong following in the region, not only among foreign professionals in commercial centers such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but also among youth who see their relatively secure communication channels as a way to avoid unwanted government attention. More

OO DiskImage Professional Edition v5 5 100 iSO-rG

Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                                   RELEASE iNFO                                    Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä        Create  images  and  restore  entire  systems  quickly   and       easily.  All  the  standard  and  professional  features  are       combined  into one  single  product. You  can  adjust all the       functions to suit your requirements, with options  that range       from fully automatic to individually customized. Thanks to an       improved user  interface,  it’s  now...