US actor Paul Walker who starred in the Fast & Furious series of action films has been killed in a car crash in California, his publicist says. A statement on his Facebook page said Walker, 40, had been a passenger in a friend's car which crashed north of Los Angeles. He was said to be attending a charity event at the time. He starred in The Fast and The Furious in 2001 and featured in the sixth film in the franchise which opened in May. Walker also starred in the suspense drama Hours, a movie that is set for release this month. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's department said the crash happened in the community of Valencia . Actor Paul Walker — a self-styled adrenaline junkie best known for his role in "The Fast and the Furious" movies — was killed Saturday in a fiery single-car wreck in Southern California. The 40-year-old Walker was riding in a Porsche GT about 3:30 p.m. when the driver lost co...